
Engaging in diverse projects has been instrumental in cultivating a profound sense of confidence in my abilities, as they serve as real-world proving grounds for the theoretical knowledge acquired

Implementation of Federated Learning on CIFAR-10 using  VGG-19

11/07/2023 – Present

We are working on implementing the concept of Federated Learning, on classification techniques using CNN (VGG-16 & VGG-19) and, intend to compare their working on i.i.d and non - i.i.d dataset.

Business Capstone Project

06/02/2023 – 26/04/2023

• Completed a business capstone project as part of my 6th semester in Mathematics and Computing.

• Developed a deep understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

• Conducted research and analysis to understand the sudden fall in stock prices and customer behaviour .

• Collaborated with Sahil and Gautam (batch mates) during the project .

• Presented findings and recommendations to the project bench at NIT- Hamirpur.

• Demonstrated the outcomes of the Cohort Analysis and Retention Rate Percentage through successful completion of the project.


Bank-Note Authentication Model

08/11/2021 – 25/12/2021

• Developed a machine learning project that aims to classify banknotes as genuine or forged based on their image features.

• Extracted features such as wavelet variance, wavelet skewness, wavelet kurtosis, and image entropy from the images.

• Used scikit-learn to train a K-Means model to detect if a banknote is genuine or forged.
