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Die Teilnahme an verschiedenen Projekten hat dazu beigetragen, ein tiefes Vertrauen in meine Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, da sie als reale Testgrundlage für das erworbene theoretische Wissen dienen

Implementation of Federated Learning on CIFAR-10 using  VGG-19

11/07/2023 – Present

We are working on implementing the concept of Federated Learning, on classification techniques using CNN (VGG-16 & VGG-19) and, intend to compare their working on i.i.d and non - i.i.d dataset.

Business Capstone Project

06/02/2023 – 26/04/2023

• Completed a business capstone project as part of my 6th semester in Mathematics and Computing.

• Developed a deep understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

• Conducted research and analysis to understand the sudden fall in stock prices and customer behaviour .

• Collaborated with Sahil and Gautam (batch mates) during the project .

• Presented findings and recommendations to the project bench at NIT- Hamirpur.

• Demonstrated the outcomes of the Cohort Analysis and Retention Rate Percentage through successful completion of the project.


Bank-Note Authentication Model

08/11/2021 – 25/12/2021

• Developed a machine learning project that aims to classify banknotes as genuine or forged based on their image features.

• Extracted features such as wavelet variance, wavelet skewness, wavelet kurtosis, and image entropy from the images.

• Used scikit-learn to train a K-Means model to detect if a banknote is genuine or forged.
